
Showing posts from February, 2008

Sue Scheff: ADHD is Real

Connect with Kids continues to bring extremely beneficial articles on a variety of issues with children. As a parent of an ADHD child, it seems that parents that haven't experienced having an ADHD student/child can be judgmental when it comes to different treatments or help for these kids. Each family is different with their beliefs and their methods of treatment. My ADHD child is now an adult. He is extremely successful - graduated with honors in High School and continues to be the Dean's List in college each semester. ADHD is Real by Connect with Kids can offer Tips for Parents and more.

Visit the NEW Podcasts Site

Check out the archived podcasts page! Sue Scheff's Podcasts Updates soon!

Bullying Goes High Tech in Cyberworld!

Another example of how parents need to take charge on what their kids are doing online - Cyberspace is becoming more and more risky - and Cyberbullying is climbing and harming more and more kids. Bullying Goes High Tech in Cyber World by Isabelle Mascarenas

Free Speech or lack of Parenting?

I was contacted by CNN News in regards to this recent story. As a parent advocate , I am proactive in helping parents protect their children in Cyberspace - whether it is monitoring their MySpace account - or using other protective measures such as Reputation Defender/MyChild to monitor your child's privacy - but this story completely shocked me. How can a parent condone a 13 year old writing about a principal in sexual ways? Where is this coming from? The parent is claiming their son has " free speech " - and they are correct about that, but when your 8th grader is calling someone a rapist or child molester without any substantiated evidence, in my opinion, this could be considered defamation - and as my beliefs continue - " Free Speech does not condone defamation ." Furthermore - the writings of "giving students anal" or "jacking off in my office" - is absolutely disgusting that a 13 year old writes this way. This is my personal opinion ....

Helping Teens Avoid Bad Decisions – and Risky Situations

All kids make mistakes … but some bad choices can lead to terrible outcomes. As parents, we need to do everything in our power to help our children learn to make smart decisions. How do you help your kids learn about the consequences of a split-second decision? How do you help them avoid dangerous and risky situations? Learn what leads kids to make bad decisions… and how parents can help with Good Kids, Bad Choices. What is your greatest fear for your child? Car accident? Drug or alcohol addiction? Sexually transmitted disease? Unplanned pregnancy? Physical disability? Death? When it comes to learning how to avoid bad decisions, children need the guidance and insights that only parents can provide. So how do parents learn what situations kids get themselves into? Why they make bad choices? Order Good Kids, Bad Choices and find out. You’ll see real teenagers talk about the split-second decisions they made … the terrible outcomes … and what they wish they had done instead. You’ll learn ...

Sue Scheff Media Room

As I continue to be a voice against Cyberbullying, Internet Abuse as well as helping parents with today’s teens - there has been a vast amount of media coverage. 20/20 ABC News i-Caught with Martin Bashir CNN Headline News Fox Morning Show with Mike and Juliet CBC Television Sunday News Magazine CBS News with Katie Couric BBC Talk Radio NPR Talk Radio KFI Talk Radio with John and Ken Fox News USA Today Wall Street Journal Washington Post Washington Times San Francisco Chronicle Forbes Miami Herald Sun Sentinel Veja Daily Business Journal Internet Law Portal Lost Children - Documentary by Zadig Productions Asian Tribune Over 100 AP articles Sue Scheff Podcasts

Sue Scheff: Cyberbullying is becoming a major problem among teens

More and more news articles, media and others are finally taking Cyberbullying seriously. As both a victim and survivor of being abused in Cyberspace - I know first hand how important this subject is. Kids today need to be aware of what lingers online as well as take precautions not to feed into Cyberbullys and their tactics of invading a child's privacy. As a parent, you can take steps to protect your kids online. Know what they are doing and where they are going in Cyberspace. It is almost as important as knowing where they are going when they leave your house! Take Cyberspace seriously! A recent news article by the Associated Press is one of many that are bringing this awareness to parents. I always encourage parents to consider Reputation Defender MyChild to help protect your children online, especially in the social networking sites such as MySpace and others.

Sue Scheff and Parents Universal Resource Experts: Addicted Kids by Connect with Kids

Addicted Kids Alcohol. Drugs. Cigarettes. Many kids will experiment with at least one of them, but what happens when experimentation becomes an addiction? And how can you reach your kids before it’s too late? ? “It’s not like parents are bad or they’re missing something,” says Dr. Vincent Ho, psychiatrist. “Kids are just really good at tricking people.” Drinking, smoking and using drugs are not “just part of growing up.” Studies show that parents can influence the prevention of risky behaviors in their children. Learn what pressures your kids face at school, on the weekends and at parties. Teach them how to say no in a “cool” way – and stick to it. Understand from experts the warning signs of drug and alcohol abuse. Watch Addicted Kids with your children to hear stories from real teens who have used drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. Learn from experts and parents “who have been there” as they offer solutions that really work. “If you don’t talk about this with your child, it’s probably g...

Sue Scheff: Myths of Military Schools

As a parent of a student that graduated Military School , I can speak from first hand experiences. My son started Military School in the 8th grade and graduated with Honors. He will tell you that there were some hard times, but in the end, he wouldn't have changed a thing. **************** There are many myths about Military Schools . Parents believe they are similar to “boot camps” and will straighten up a troubled teen. On the contrary - your child has to be accepted into a Military School. Acceptance can be in accordance with his grades (GPA), and/or letters of references from his previous school, and/or his desire to attend. Here is some valuable information from my website: Military Schools and Academies offer a student the opportunity to reach their highest academic potential as well as build up their self-esteem to make better choices in today's society. We encourage parents to let their children know that Military Schools are a privilege and honor to attend and not...

Colleges, Potential Employers, Future Clients and Networking Sites

We keep hearing about more and more people searching online for background information on potential new employees, college applicants, or if someone is considering using your business for a service or trade. Parents need to take the time now with their kids to show them what they create on their MySpace profiles, Facebook, Friendster and other Social Networking sites could potentially effect their future. We, as parents, need to make them aware of what they put on there today - could effect them tomorrow. Of course, kids don’t quite understand that the future comes faster than they can imagine. After-all, in most cases college is years away! (In reality they are only 2-8 years away - which isn’t that far off, but feels like an eternity to a child). Take the time to offer examples and show how what they may deem as funny today, could potentially cause embarrassment later. Remember, what is posted on the net today - has the potential of staying there forever! Teaching your kids to make s...

Sue Scheff featured on CBC Sunday News Magazine

CBC News Television - Sunday Morning News Magazine How can you fight back when your personal information - whether true or false - ends up on the Internet for everyone to see, like a potential employer, for example? We give you tips on protecting your reputation online.

The Secret Life of Kids: What Your Kids Are Doing Shouldn’t Be a Mystery

Who’s pressuring your kids? Who’s offering them alcohol or drugs? Who’s talking to them on the Internet? Whether we’re teachers, parents, counselors…sometimes we just don’t know what’s really going on in a child’s life. If you want to talk to your kids about the challenges they face, but aren’t sure what to say, our programs will help…with real kids sharing their true stories, and advice from experts, educators and parents who have “been there.” Click here for a fantastic educational resource to help you help your kids! Find about more about Boarding Schools , Military Schools , Residential Treatment Centers , and Therapeutic Boarding Schools .

Loving your Kids is Easy. Parenting Teenagers is Hard.

By Connect with Kids Parents today face very real and sometimes frightening concerns about their children’s lives. As they get older, your kids have their own interests, problems, even their own language. So what's the key to parenting? You could buy a book…but your child probably won’t read it. You could search the Internet for advice, and ask other parents. Those are good options, but there's one that's even better for parenting teenagers: reality-based DVDs for kids and parents to watch and learn together. Parents don’t typically think of buying a DVD to help them with the issues their children or a problem teenager faces, but this is powerful positive television programming produced by the Emmy® award-winning Connect With Kids team. Build Your Own Library We have a complete library of half-hour programs devoted to parenting teenagers and kids, all related to social, emotional and physical health. These aren’t lectures or scare tactics strictly about how to deal with a ...

Maintain Your Online Reputation

As both a victim and now a survivor of Online Attacks, Internet Defamation, Cyberstalkers from extremely disturbed people (in my opinion) I have fought back and won! In an unprecedented jury verdict for damages, I was awarded $11.3M for what one woman did to me online. The jury took time to read the hundreds of posts of clear defamation and slander in an attempt to destroy me, my organization and hurt my family. In many interviews I have been asked ”why” do people find the need to hurt others? I simply don’t have that answer. We can speculate, but I believe deep down people are not happy with themselves and feel the need to project their misery on to others. John Dozier of Dozier Internet Law wrote an excellent article the outlines potential persona’s of these type of people. “ The Top Ten Blogger Persona’s: The Mobosphere Unvieled .” Then Jacqui Cheng wrote about the Nutjobs that feel the need to hurt others online. It is obvious this is a growing problem. Read more about Online Repu...

Television and Violence by Connect with Kids

New research about the influence of media violence on children may offer a startling new way to predict who will grow up to be a violent adult: find out how much violence on television and in the movies children watched when they were 6, 8 or 10 years old. With today's wide range of channels for our children to surf on T.V. - we need to be aware of what our kids are watching. As a parent advocate, I will continue to bring articles that can offer helpful tips to parents dealing with today's teens. Read more - Click Here .