
Showing posts from March, 2012

Self Injury and Cutting: When Teens Turn to Self-Abuse

Unfortunately we are hearing more of this and sadly teens are feeling this is their only escape from what they believe is an experience they can't seem to reconcile. Self abuse (or self mutilation) can come in many forms; most commonly it is associated with cutting, hair pulling or bone breaking, but it can also manifest itself as eating disorders like bulimia, and/or anorexia. My site will focus mainly on cutting, which is the most common form of self abuse, with 72% of all self injurers choosing to do so by cutting themselves, and hair pulling. Cutting is exactly as it sounds; when your teen cuts him or herself as a physical expression to feel emotional pain. There are many reasons why teens injure themselves, but many people assume it’s just ‘for attention’. Often this can be an element of why your teen may be abusing him or her self, but just as often it can be something your teen does privately to express the emotional pain they f...

Teen Runaways

Each year, one million troubled teens from every social class, race and religion run away from home. Unfortunately, for American families, that number continues to rise. Being a parent isn't easy. And it can be especially difficult raising teenagers these days. But do you know where to turn if you are having problems with your child?  What do you do when your teen is missing and you aren't getting help from your local authorities? The National Runaway Switchboard is one resource parents can turn to.  1-800-RUNAWAY.  All calls to National Runaway Switchboard (NRS) are confidential and free 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 1-800-RUNAWAY now to speak with someone, or check out our other resources and services. If your teen is a chronic runaway and you are at your wit's end , it may be time to consider residential therapy.  After you have exhausted your local resources and therapy isn't working, and in many situations the teen refuses to attend therapy...

Prescription Drug Use: Medicine Cabinets and Your Teens

Many teens believe that taking prescription drugs to get high is safer than using street drugs. Be AWARxE! Prescription drugs are dangerous when they are not used correctly as directed by a doctor. One in five teens have taken a prescription drug that was not theirs to get high or to deal with problems. Teens are abusing pain pills (Vicodin®, OxyContin®), stimulants (Ritalin®, Adderall®), and tranquilizers (Xanax®, Valium®). Teens take these drugs right out of the medicine cabinet – at home, at a friend’s house, or when visiting family. 5.2 million people, including kids ages 12 and older, said they had abused prescription pain relievers, as reported in a 2007 survey. More people are visiting the emergency room because they misused prescription pain medication. From 2004 to 2009, emergency room visits due to misusing narcotic pain pills increased by almost 100%. Learn more at AWARE RX . Fact: Prescription drugs are the most commonly abused drugs among 12-13 year olds. ...

Difficult Teens: Disrespectful Teens?

What happened? When we grew up and our parents told us to be home by 10pm we never questioned them, we were home by 10:00, if not 10 minutes earlier.  We never dared back talked (well, if we did, we learned real fast it was usually the last time we did it). It seems teenagers today have a sense of entitlement issue.  They have no sense of respect for their parents.  Sometimes we can be fortunate that they do respect their teachers and our neighbors.  However when they come home, they can become a person we don't recognize. Again, what happened? Is it today's society?  It is peer pressure?  It is the desire to give our kids more than we had? Is it technology? Honestly, it is a million dollar question that really doesn't matter, because at the end of the day, some are struggling with a teen that is going down a negative path.  We have once good teens making some very bad choices.  If it escalates to a point that you are actually reading my...