Teen Vaping: What Parents Need to Know
With the recent Monitoring the Future Study release indicating that nearly one in three 12th graders reported using a vaping device in the past year, it’s imperative that parents are informed of the potential dangers that can result from vaping. What is Vaping? Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the aerosol, often referred to as vapor, produced by an e-cigarette or similar device . It’s become more popular among teens than regular cigarettes, especially given that vaping devices can be used for anything from flavors like mango, mint or tutti frutti, to flavorings containing nicotine or THC, the chemical compound in marijuana that produces the high. What are the Risks? There are several risks to vaping for teens. Below are three major ones for parents to be concerned about: Vaping is often marketed to kids, downplaying the dangers. With lots of flavors available for vaping liquids, as well as the variety of colors and devices available that charge...