Teen Internet Addiction: Is It Real?
Teen Help for Internet Addiction Cell-phone obsession Hooked-on social media or video games? Is your teen consumed by their digital life? Hooked on gaming? Are they spending too much time alone and isolating themselves? Have their grades started to drop? Becoming withdrawn, and even depressed? According to a survey, even teens are worried they spend too much time on screens and fear they are addicted . When used excessively, technology can affect the emotional and physical wellness of young people of many young people . Symptoms of internet addiction: -An obsession with being online -Frustration, anxiety, and irritability when not able to get online. -Abandoning friends or hobbies in order to stay digitally connected. -Continuing to spend time online even after negative repercussions (such as failing grades, deteriorating relationships, and even health issues). How can we help? Parent Universal Resource Experts has been educating parents...