
Showing posts from December, 2020

Will My Teen Hate Me If I Send Them Away To Get Help?

HELP! My teen needs help, but will they hate me if I send them away? Your teen will likely be scared of the new situation and may also promise to “ do better at home” if you've discussed the possibility of going to a therapeutic boarding school or residential treatment center . We never recommend parents threaten their child with this option, since choosing residential therapy is such an amazing opportunity for your teen to develop coping skills they may be lacking, improve self-esteem to make better choices, learn anger and stress management skills and most of all - improve their overall mental wellness .  Most of these programs' strengths are targeted at emotional growth and wellness - academics are typically secondary, but  are important. Keep in mind, without emotional wellness - nothing will work in life. In our experience, your child will likely grow from fear and anger they already have -- to love and understanding that this decision was made with their best inter...