
Showing posts from June, 2022

Why Smart Teens Fail in School

  Finding out your smart teen has failing grades and may not be passing can be extremely stressful and frustrating. Failed classes lead to a lower GPA as well as may delay them graduating from high school on time. If your teen has a first-choice college that requires a higher GPA, lagging behind in school can also effect this. Once your teen starts falling behind, catching up can be difficult — when grades begin to plummet, many teens give up.   If your teen is  failing a class —or they’ve already failed the entire semester— take action . There are several things you can do to address the issue.   Why is my teen failing?   Once you realize your teen is failing a class or in  danger of not passing , it’s time to sit down and  discuss the problem .  Ask your teen for help uncovering the they are not passing.   Some students who start out strong get distracted, while others just aren’t motivated to stay on track. Maybe your teen gets involved in...