
Showing posts from October, 2022

3 Reasons Why Teens Are Depressed

  Teenage sadness and depression rates have been climbing since 2020. Parents are asking this question, “ Why is my teen depressed? ”    There can be many reasons for your teen to be feeling  sad or depressed.  While no one can explain exactly why,  many experts  say teens and young adults today probably face  more  pressures at home or school, worry about  financial issues  for their families, and use  more   alcohol and drugs.   This is in  addition  to keeping up with their  digital life.   3 Common Reasons for Teenage Depression:   Addressing depression is crucial for your  teenager’s mental health and wellness.  Understanding some of the common reasons for  depression  can help you help your child. It does not replace getting professional help.   1. Bullying.   Never underestimate the power of words and the long-lasting effect if has on your child. Gener...