How to Help My Teen with Loneliness
Have you noticed your teen becoming more withdrawn? Isolating themselves to their bedrooms or shutting down from family functions? A growing body of research shows that young people are more likely to feel lonely than older adults. Loneliness is hard especially for teens , it can affect them in several ways. Teenagers that are lonely experience a higher rate of stress , depression and having a negative outlook on their life . Some may turn to substance use (drugs, drinking or vaping) to relieve their feelings of sadness and hopelessness. This generation of technology — social media, texting, messaging and other forms of digital communication has left our young people savvy with their keypad, however lacking with “in-real-life” skills. This can also lead to loneliness, as they are likely sitting in their room communicating on a screen rather than face-to-face . 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Beat Loneliness It’s important to remember, yo...