Sue Scheff: The Housewives of Cyber County - Parenting Online

Some people are hooked on the "housewives" series, whether they are in New York, California, New Jersey or Georgia, viewers will tune in to watch these train wrecks (in my opinion).

We need parents, whether they are housewives or house husbands, to take as much time tuning into cyber safety and their children. Imagine there was Cyber County USA - who would be watching? Would you be?

There are many things in life that we can just squeak by doing, but parenting isn't one of them. Parenting today is more challenging than generations prior. We can talk about Penguin Parenting, the contrast from years ago verses today and there are many similarities, however with the arrival of cyberspace, parenting has become a speeding train that we need to keep up with.

SuperMom and SuperDad today are usually both working full-time, and even more children are being raised in a single parent home. This doesn't excuse taking the time to get in touch with your kids both online and off.

Time for a reminder to keep that resolution about learning more about Internet safety. If you didn't make that resolution, it is fine, there wasn't a deadline, start today - before you get hit by that train.

Learn about Chat rooms - Who are your kids mingling with?
Sexting - What is it and how do you prevent it?
Internet things your children should never know.
Cyberbullying - Prevention and Education
Social Networking Safety - Join today, It is free.
Teaching your child to be a safe consumer online.
One Click Away - Be sure your kids travel the right tracks.
Internet Predators - Keep your kids safe, learn more.
Should you read your child's emails?

Reminder: You can employ every safety gadget and computer privacy tool, but unless you talk to your kids about the dangers that lurk online, you are not 100% protected.

Don't just take the time, MAKE the time to be an educated parent and talk to your kids - today.

Be an educated "housewife" and parent, you will have a safer family.

Also on Examiner.

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