School is Open: My Teen is Already Out-of-Control

Yes, it is happening again.

We thought maybe a change of schools - maybe a new school year - maybe a fresh start - maybe a new maybe.....

Let's face it, as parents we hope and pray that our teenager will grow out of that defiant behavior.  This age of entitlement and spoiled rotten brat syndrome is getting worse by the day.

The only refreshing thing is to know you are not alone!  Though it doesn't make it easier.

One thing I can't stress enough is parents can't ignore the warning signs of a teen going down a negative road, especially if they are in their late teens.  Remember once they turn 18 they are no longer in your control - though they may still be living with you, you can't force them to get help.

If your teen is 16 or 17 years old (especially 17+) and they are spiraling out of control,  it is imperative you seek help for them.  So many times, unfortunately, the once a week therapy session rarely is enough to make a difference at this point.  Usually a teen has been through several therapist - and they won't even attend.

 Don't be a parent in denial - don't think it is only marijuana - or it is only because of the friends he/she is hanging with - remember your teen is making the decision to smoke the pot and hang out with those friends.  They are making these bad decisions.

Learn more about getting your teen back on a positive road.  Visit where we have helped thousands of families since 2001.  There is no shame in admitting your teen is struggling.  We have been there.  Getting help is what responsible parents do.

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