Wilderness Programs: Does My Teen Need One?

Have you been told your teen needs a wilderness program?
As a Parent Advocate and Family Consultant in the Teen Help Industry since 2001, there’s no secret -it’s a big business.
On a weekly basis we receive calls from parents that have parted with thousands of dollars after a conversation with someone that advises them that their teenager needs a wilderness experience. But how do you really know this? Take time to consider the following.
Wilderness programs, why are some people always so quick to say, “Your teen needs a good wilderness experience.”
Do you really understand what a wilderness program is? Do you understand that the majority of participants are asked to continue on to a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) or Therapeutic Boarding School (TBS) – which means your teen will be starting all over again with a new therapist as well as you paying all over again for start-up fees?
Why not start and finish in one place?
Well, some Educational Consultants will tell you that your child needs to be broken down first and wilderness can do that.
In reality, any quality RTC/TBS is designed to help with these type of teens. Some of these RTC’s and TBS programs actually have the first 21-30 days that are like a wilderness however your teen is working with the same team of counselors they will be working with for the next 6-8-12 months.  Another words – it’s one program without changing staff or campuses, and you won’t be paying second fees.
Be an educated parent, you will make wiser and better financial decisions for your family and teenager.
Contact us if you would like more information on Wilderness program alternatives such as short-term assessment program attached to a RTC/TBS  where your teen can stay with the same program if it’s determined they need more care. Not every teen needs a wilderness program or wilderness therapy.  You have choices.

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