5 Steps to Help Your Teen Stop Vaping

Vaping has become an epidemic among young people today, especially teenagers. Parents struggle to find ways to learn how to help their teen stop vaping. 

As adults we understand the risks of vaping, it exposes users to dangerous particles and chemicals, and it exposes users to nicotine. Nicotine is bad for everyone’s health, but especially young people since it’s highly addictive and can be a “gateway” to other addictive drugs.

It’s natural to feel a range of emotions if you have discovered your teen is vaping, but remember your goal is to have a conversation with your child — and be ready to listen. Keep in mind, people who feel supported and understood are more likely to quit vaping or smoking.

5 Steps to help your teen stop vaping

If you have found out your teen is vaping or maybe they told you, approach the issue gently.

1. Ask questions. Your teen’s answers will help you find ways to be supportive.

  • Why did you start?
  • How long have you been vaping?
  • Has something been stressing you out?
  • What triggers your cravings?
  • Are there certain friends they vape with?
  • How can I help you quit?

2. Help them remove temptations. Encourage your teen to get rid of all vaping devices and products. Most cravings will subside in less time than it takes to get access to e-cigarettes, according to smokefree.gov.

  • Have them reconsider the peers they are hanging out with.
  • Is school stressful? Re-evaluate their schedule.

3. Encourage them to have a plan. Talk to your teen about how they will manage cravings and temptation if they are around peers who vape.

  • Help them create of list of actions and activities they can use to distract themselves when they feel like vaping.
  • Teens love their apps. The quitSTART app has games and challenges to help people quit.

4. Be patience. Remember withdrawal can cause irritability, so you’ll need to be as understanding as possible. This can be difficult however necessary since you don’t want to give your teen a reason to go back to the dangerous habit.

  • Encourage your teen to start a journal. When they are feeling overwhelmed, start writing down their feelings.
  • If you find they are struggling both emotionally and physically, it’s important to reach out to professional help.

5. Available resources to help quit. Give your teen the many online resources that are available to help them quit. Let them know they are not alone!

If your teen is struggling to stop vaping and refusing to seek professional help, you may want to consider residential treatment to help them beat this dangerous habit. Nicotine can harm the parts of an adolescent’s brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control. As a parent, it’s our job to give them the tools available to help them quit.

Also read:

How to Find a Safe Therapeutic Boarding School

5 Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Sources: Yale MedicineUT Southwestern

Image credit: Pexels, Julia M. Cameron

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