Sue Scheff: Parents Learn More About Teen Medicine Abuse

Source: StopMedicineAbuse
Welcome to the Five Moms: Stopping Cough Medicine Abuse Campaign
Learn about teen cough medicine abuse.Share information about abuse.
First launched in May 2007, the Five Moms Campaign has reached over 24 million parents with these basic messages to parents about preventing teen cough medicine abuse.
When the campaign launched, teen cough medicine abuse was on the increase. Now, nationwide statistics point to a slight decrease. That’s great news, but more work has to be done to eliminate this type of substance abuse behavior among teens.
CHPA brought together five moms—a pediatric nurse practitioner, an accountant, a D.A.R.E. officer, an educator, and an author—from different backgrounds and from all over the country to encourage parents to get involved in stopping cough medicine abuse. And now Five Moms is part of the effort.
Join the campaign. Membership is free and entitles you to the monthly e-newsletter and occasional e-mail updates. (Read our privacy policy.)
Tell your friends about teen cough medicine abuse. You can use the English or Spanish tell-a-friend feature.
Learn more about the issue, how to talk with your teens about drug abuse, and how to protect them from different online threats.