Sue Scheff: Teens and Summer Jobs

Is your teen thinking of getting a summer job? It is a great way to teach our kids responsibility and accountability. With today's economy, it is difficult for adults to find jobs - so teens will need a plan. Here is some great advice and tips from TeensHealth.
Source: TeensHealth
Thinking about a summer job? This year, as more people compete for fewer openings, you'll need to start looking early, do your research, and apply to more positions. So it's more important than ever to have a job search plan.

What's the Right Job for Me?

To find a job that's right for you, make a list of your interests and strengths, as well as your dislikes and the things you need some improvement in, and keep them in mind as you look for a job. For example, if you love books or writing, a job in a bookstore or library might be perfect for you. But if little kids drive you crazy, a babysitting job may not be ideal.

A job or internship should be about learning as well as making money. Try to find something that can help guide you toward your long-term goals. For example, if you want to study veterinary science in college, finding a job in a vet's office or animal shelter, or even a pet store, may be better choices for you than working in a restaurant.

As jobs become harder to find, you may have to take whatever's available — and that's OK. Learning to readjust goals and priorities is another important life skill. Just try to find some aspect of the work that you love and can learn from.

Read entire article here:

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