Drunken Geniuses: Smart Teens Making Stupid Choices

Let's face it, our teens are very smart or they wouldn't be keen enough to manipulate parents into believing they are as innocent as they aren't!

On a weekly basis I receive calls from parents about their highly intelligent teens that are smoking pot, using drugs, drinking and other risky behavior.  These kids can also be extremely good athlete's that have recently lost interest in their sport too.  What is going on?  Is it peer pressure, low self-esteem or something else?  Are they being bullied in school, did something happen that we don't know about?  Either way it is time to get your teenager help before it escalate into addiction or worse.

Your intelligence at 16 is a strong indicator of how much and how often you will drink throughout adulthood. Over the last 55 years, in the U.S. and U.K., several studies have been conducted that show a direct relationship between childhood intelligence and adult alcohol consumption.

Controlling for a huge plethora of factors, the study reveals that it is intelligence itself that influences alcohol consumption, not all the things that accompany intelligence.
Drunken Geniuses: Sharp as a Tack, Drunk as a Skunk
Source: Drunken Geniuses: Sharp as a Tack, Drunk as a Skunk

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