Diamond Ranch Academy and Teen Help Programs

As a parent advocate I am always receiving emails and phone calls on a variety of schools and programs from parents and students that have first hand experiences.

My personal experiences are with Carolina Springs Academy that is now closed -- I have heard it is reopened as Seneca RanchWWASPS (Worldwide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools) is the umbrella  organization that runs these programs.They also have others in the United States - at last glance there was Red River Academy (now US Youth Services), LA, Second Chances, River View, UT and you never know when more will pop-up in different names. Although the like to claim they have no affiliation  -- when people dig deeper, the roots can get exposed as it did last summer with Midwest Academy (which was shutdown).

Diamond Ranch Academy, sadly, though I don't have first hand experiences, I continue to receive negative feedback about the program.  I wrote about them in June 2012 and in 2013

As I mentioned in an earlier Blog post, when I heard they use the same marketing arms and techniques that WWASPS did/does, that is a red flag to me. I have no reason to believe they are related, however I know these marketing arms aren't always in the best interest of the child. 

For me, I know there are many excellent programs in our country.  I am not of the mindset that all programs are bad.  This type of information only solidifies that parents need to take their time and do their due diligence before selecting a program.

This is one of the reasons I created Parents Universal Resource Experts, Inc. (P.U.R.E.) - with helpful hints to guide parents through the big business of teen help.

I don't own, operate or manage any schools or programs - I help educate parents on researching schools and programs.  I also have no connection with Diamond Ranch Academy - - however it seems they are marketing very similar to WWASPS - and that alone scares me.  However that is only my opinion.

I just caution all parents to do your homework - take your time - this is a major financial and emotional decision.  I firmly believe you can't ignore getting your teen help, but take trust your gut.

The moral of this Blog is - if you are considering Diamond Ranch Academy or any program - just be sure you are doing your homework.  Don't ignore getting your teen the help they need, just be sure you are getting them safe and quality help.

UPDATE:  They are trying to condone their bad reviews by using our good name in their name in their marketing.  Beware. It's obvious the truth must be getting out for them to be going to this extent. We never approved them to use our name. 

As of February 26, 2019 - we are still receiving negative feedback on Diamond Ranch.

NBC Report (01/26/2023): Boarding School Ignores Sick Student (this leads to Diamond Ranch third death of a student).

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