Sue Scheff: Pediatric Depression - Is your teen depressed?

With the recent headlines of the suicide of Marie Osmond's son and TV teen actor of Growing Pains, Andrew Koenig, we are learning and hearing more about depression in children as well as a keen awareness to suicidal signs in our teens.

Do you suspect your child is suffering with depression? Are you concerned your teen is becoming more withdrawn, secretive, isolated? Childhood and teenage depression is often in hiding.

What is pediatric depression?

It's normal for children and teenagers to have sad or moody days, but when those feelings last for two weeks or longer, it could indicate that something more serious is going on. As adults, it can be hard for us to accept that children can also have depression, but research is going on now to help find new medicines for children with depression in the future.

If your child has been displaying one or more of these signs of depression for at least two weeks, and they are interfering with his/her ability to function, then he/she may be depressed and eligible to take part in this research:

  • Frequent sadness, or crying
  • Decreased interest in activities
  • Persistent boredom; low energy
  • Social isolation
  • Low self-esteem and guilt
  • Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure
  • Increased irritability, anger, or hostility
  • Frequent absences from school or poor performance in school
  • Poor concentration
  • A major change in eating and/or sleeping patterns
  • Talk of, or efforts to run away from home
Source: Kids With Depression

Are you worried or concerned that your child or teen is struggling with depression? Visit and learn more.

Learn more on Examiner.

Be an educated parent, you will have safer and healthier teens.

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