Sue Scheff: Million Hours of Power - Dad's Can Change The Lives of Children

The National PTA launched their Million Hours of Power to encourage fathers, uncles, grandfathers and all men to get involved in their community through their local PTA.  In Florida, Parent Teachers Association (PTA) recently was honored with National Advocacy Award.

With Father's Day next week, it is a perfect time to think about how you or someone you know can get involved in helping children in your community.

Bryon Garrett, CEO of the National PTA and Mom Congress Advisor, believes that a male mentor can make measurable positive impact on kids social, physical and educational well-being. interviewed Bryon Garrett and he offered a few tips to get fathers engaged in volunteering:
  • Just ask! Don't make the assumption that dads are not interested in being involved. "The number one reason they're not involved is that they're not asked."
  • Create a schedule with your educator "so you have shared ownership in the process."
  • Identify time they can spend on campus, whether it's in the classroom or at lunch and recess. Not only will they get to observe what their kids are doing, but Byron says, "you also get to see who they're interacting with."
You can read more about Million Hours of Power here.
"Give a little, change a lot" will be the rallying call to action for the Million Hours of Power grassroots campaign. Research proves that parent involvement leads to student success in school and life. Children perform better in school when both the mother and the father or a male role model are both involved in the education of their children.  Read more.

Bryon Garrett pictured above with representative from DadLab.

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