Sue Scheff: Teen Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Summer brings more summer employment for teenagers.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is unacceptable. When you hear about it happening with teenagers it is more deplorable. Who is responsible for your teen's safety when they go to their job?

MSNBC recently report on this epidemic that is in many workplaces.  Making matters worse, many teens are more accessible than ever thanks to social networking sites and mobile devices, opening them up to more potential abuse. Texting is being used to send subtle and not-so-subtle messages.

Teens, especially those that are working at their first job, are unsure about how to report these incidents or fear if they do, will they be fired?

Is your teen being victimized at their job?  Visit Teen Victim Project and learn more about sexual harassment.

Tips for parents of teens from E.J. Graff, a researcher for Brandeis University’s Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism, that will be starting a job:
  • Ask her to check the atmosphere of the place whenever she applies for a job; she should note how employees are treated.
  • Explain the difference between flirting (enjoyed by both parties) and harassment (unwelcome sexual comments or physical contact).
  • Emphasize that he should tell you if someone makes him uncomfortable, so you can talk about the best way to respond.
  • Make sure she knows she can refuse an order that is not related to her job duties. For example, her supervisor can’t compel her to travel with him unless it’s explicitly part of the job.
For more tips and advice, visit the website of The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism, click here.

Be an educated parent, you will have safer teens.

Related articles:
Sexual Harassment: Teens In the Workplace
Teen Sexual Abuse
Teen Dating Abuse
Stranger Danger

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